Howe-Two Can Help You!

Howe-Two Software provides the teacher with tools for enhancing and improving instruction, providing monitored practice, visualization, alternative assessment & more.

Would you like to watch EACH of your students do their work, step-by-step, catching their mistakes before they practice them instead of the targeted skill?

You CAN electronically!

Would you like to help students SEE dynamic concepts that you can't show them with conventional tools?

You CAN electronically!

Would you like to give EVERY student accurate and instant feedback and immediate positive reinforcement.

You CAN electronically!

Would you like to give EVERY student in your class a different quiz on the same concept and have the quiz grade itself?

You CAN electronically!

Would you like to identify those students who need extra help BEFORE a unit test discourages them so much they give up?

You CAN electronically!